Pursuing freedom & healing from addiction. At all costs.

Current Trends in the Opioid Epidemic in Jefferson County, Alabama

We recently took a look at the trends in the opioid epidemic in Jefferson County, AL with Dr. Darlene Traffanstedt, Medical Director at the Jefferson County Department of Health. Dr. Traffanstedt discussed national trends and how Jefferson County mirrors those statistics. COVID-19 and Fentanyl have greatly impacted and changed the opioid epidemic in the last year. Dr. Traffanstedt was joined by sports reporter and APC Board Member, Lauren Sisler.Learn more about Dr. Traffanstedt and JCDH at www.jcdh.org.Learn more about Lauren Sisler at www.laurensisler.com.Stay up to date on all our news and events at www.npplexamedia.wpengine.com/apcbham.