Pursuing freedom & healing from addiction. At all costs.

It’s National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week!

Let’s eliminate some common myths and focus in on our researched facts:


Myth:  You cannot become addicted to marijuana.

Fact:  Although it is less likely to become addicted to marijuana than many other drugs, it is possible.  One in eleven people who use marijuana become addicted.


Myth:  If it is prescribed by my doctor it can’t be bad for me.

Fact: Prescription medications can be addictive, especially when they are not taken as prescribed or taken for long periods of time.  You can also be arrested for driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) even if the medication is prescribed to you.


Myth:  Natural drugs aren’t bad for you.

Fact:   A substance being “natural” means nothing in terms of its potential health risks.  Opium for example comes from the poppy flower and is a highly addictive narcotic.  If a person consumes too much opium it quickly becomes toxic and can cause death.


Myth:  Using drugs will help me be more creative or help me improve my athletic performance. 

 Fact:   While some talented people have ended up having drug problems, the talent came before the drug use.  For example, years of hard work in music, sports, or acting brought some people to great success, but substance use has called short the lives of too many, who otherwise could have had longer and happier lives.


Myth: Alcohol is a great way to relax and reduce stress.

Fact: Alcohol increases the level of stress that is placed on the body. Adrenaline levels increase in the body as we drink.  We may feel more relaxed when we drink alcohol, but the body actually comes under additional stress.


Myth: It would be to my advantage if I could learn how to “hold my liquor”.

Fact: If your usual amount of alcohol no longer gives you a “buzz” or you have to drink increasing amounts to feel any effect, you are developing a tolerance.  Tolerance is a sign that the liver is being constantly exposed to alcohol and is working overtime to cope. It may also mean you have gone beyond being a social drinker and may be developing a more serious problem with alcohol.


Myth: Anyone who passes out from drinking too much should be put to bed and allowed to “sleep it off”.

Fact: If a friend has had too much to drink and passes out, the worst thing you can do is drag them into a bedroom away from everyone else and close the door.  Alcohol slows down the heart rate and breathing and lowers the blood pressure.  The amount of alcohol it takes to make you pass out is dangerously close to the amount it takes to kill you.  If a friend passes out, monitor their breathing and heart rate closely.  If there is reason for concern, do not hesitate to get the individual medical attention. You may save their life.


Source: All of the above information was researched and found using the following link.




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