Pursuing freedom & healing from addiction. At all costs.

Kathy’s Story

Kathy knows intimately the bondage of addiction, what it’s like to sleep with her car keys and purse under her pillow; and to remove her son’s bedroom door from its hinges.  She knows shame, guilt; and rearview mirror thinking.  She has met chaos and the feeling of isolation.

Her story illustrates the web that addiction weaves into a family.  Franticly fighting to save her son, she became entrapped herself.  Alcohol, a social past time, became life controlling.  One morning, she broke into the bathroom and found the fatal last hit of Heroin in the arm of her only child.  Despair became depression, alcohol caused a crash; and flashing blue lights met humiliation.

Her son had requested that she help other parents keep drugs away from their kids.  God showed her that to help someone else you must first get healthy.  Through Celebrate Recovery, Kathy learned that God loves us despite our mistakes.  She will boldly tell you that Jesus walked her through her pain into sobriety, and that through grace the chains of addiction can be broken.  Kathy is an APC volunteer, has an affinity for the END HEROIN BHAM Walk; and is committed to sharing the power of a relationship with Jesus.