Recently Adrienne Coleman, APC Director of Student Initiatives spoke with Dr. Susan Walley, Professor of Pediatrics in the UAB School of Medicine. Dr. Walley is also the Medical Director of the UAB Tobacco Consult Service and the Principal Investigator of the Birmingham Youth Tobacco Prevention Program. Her research and advocacy interests include developing strategies to protect youth from tobacco use and the tobacco smoke exposure. In this video she talks about e-cigarettes, what is in them, health risks associated with e-cigarette use, the vaping epidemic among youth, tactics the tobacco industry uses to hook teens, dabbing, and what parents can do to help protect their children and communities from tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure.
She references the Take Down Tobacco Alabama website which can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/takedowntobaccoalabama/home
For more information about tobacco use prevention, visit our resource page.