6 in 10 people account having a traumatic event in their childhood which can later result in increased vulnerability to substance use, violence, mental illness, or other health issues. These Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) can be seen in the form of violence, abuse, neglect, or having a family member attempt or die by suicide. Additionally, a child’s environment plays a large role in the trauma they experience. Such catalysts are substance use in the home, instability of parents or a family member, and mental health issues. If you experience or have observed any such violence or neglect, do not hesitate to take action.
Help Lines:
Recovery Resource Center: (205) 458-3377
SAMHSA Treatment Referral Hotline: 1(800) 662-4357
Recovery Organization of Support Specialists: (205) 848-2112
Suicide Prevention Helpline: 988
HRSA National Maternal Mental Health Hotline: 1-833-943-5746
Alabama’s Hotline: (1-800) 422-4453 /(1-800)4-A-CHILD
Child Help Hotline: https://www.childhelp.org/childhelp-hotline/
List of hotlines for each state: https://www.childwelfare.gov/organizations/?CWIGFunctionsaction=rols:main.dspList&rolType=Custom&RS_ID=5
How to Help youth at risk: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/help-youth-at-risk.html
Adverse Childhood Experiences: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html
About Child Abuse: https://www.nationalcac.org/about-child-abuse/
Child Abuse Prevention: https://www.nationalcac.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Prevention-Flyer-2015-with-references.pdf
Report child abuse and neglect to your county DHR: https://dhr.alabama.gov/child-protective-services/child-abuse-neglect-reporting/
National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children:
Help Lines:
Recovery Resource Center: (205) 458-3377
SAMHSA Treatment Referral Hotline: 1(800) 662-4357
Recovery Organization of Support Specialists: (205) 848-2112
Suicide Prevention Helpline: 988
HRSA National Maternal Mental Health Hotline: 1-833-943-5746
Alabama’s Hotline: (1-800) 422-4453 /(1-800)4-A-CHILD
Child Help Hotline: https://www.childhelp.org/childhelp-hotline/
List of hotlines for each state: https://www.childwelfare.gov/organizations/?CWIGFunctionsaction=rols:main.dspList&rolType=Custom&RS_ID=5
How to Help youth at risk: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/help-youth-at-risk.html
Adverse Childhood Experiences: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.html
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/fastfact.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fviolenceprevention%2Facestudy%2Ffastfact.html
Drug Endangered Children: https://www.nationaldec.org/post/new-informational-one-pagers
About Child Abuse: https://www.nationalcac.org/about-child-abuse/
Child Abuse Prevention: https://www.nationalcac.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Prevention-Flyer-2015-with-references.pdf
Report child abuse and neglect to your county DHR: https://dhr.alabama.gov/child-protective-services/child-abuse-neglect-reporting/
National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children: