Next to parents and guardians, teachers have the largest possible influence on a student’s life. Your unique role in the classroom can be a positive source of accurate information about substance use and the dangers associated with it. Together, both educators and parents can send a consistent message about the power of prevention and delayed use of alcohol and other substances.
APC offers Classroom-based Education for Kindergarten – High school. All of the lessons are offered at no-cost to schools throughout Central Alabama. To learn more about these offerings, click HERE.
K-8 Prevention Education
- Operation Prevention
- YouTube
On March 5, 2024, a law was passed requiring teachers to provide education about addiction to and use of Fentanyl for grades 6-12. This provokes awareness for children and knowledgeable access to community and local resources.
Fentanyl-Specific Education
- APC’s Training – My Generation Rx – Medication Safety, Opioid Awareness, Fentanyl
- Natural High
- Just Think Twice
- Alabama Dept. Mental Health
- National Institute on Drug Abuse