Pursuing freedom & healing from addiction. At all costs.

October 2021


Symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal and How to Cope

When people think of addictive substances, they often think of “hard” drugs like heroin, cocaine, or meth. However, nicotine, a substance found in tobacco products, is highly addictive – both physically and mentally. It changes the way the brain functions and feels. Once your body adapts to having nicotine in its system, withdrawal symptoms occur,

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How Teen Vaping is Affecting Teachers and The Classroom

Before the rise of discrete e-cigarette devices, students had to sneak out of class and slip outside to smoke cigarettes without getting caught. Still, the pungent smell of cigarettes made smoking difficult to hide. Today, teen vaping has replaced teen smoking, and teens have moved from using nicotine in the bathroom or outdoors into their

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