Pursuing freedom & healing from addiction. At all costs.

How We Help

End Addiction Birmingham

Every year the End Addiction Birmingham brings thousands of people together in an effort to spread awareness about the drug epidemic in Alabama and create a sense of solidarity for those struggling through it. This solidarity is just one way to reduce the stigma around substance use disorder (SUD) and one of the first steps in getting people the help they need. To volunteer and be a part of the coalition, click here.


In the pursuit of prevention in our community, APC seeks to eliminate stigma and substance use in adolescents by cultivating healthy conversations and enabling students to make healthy choices. This equipping can lead to greater resilience and positive peer to peer intervention. Through these initiatives, these students are becoming community leaders and courageously joining us in the fight against substance use. To learn more, click here.

Parent Tool Box

Parents and Grandparents, did you know that you are the most powerful influencer on your children’s behavior? Believe it or not, teens still listen to you. In fact, kids usually listen to their parents more than anybody else, including their friends. In a recent survey on underage drinking, teens reported that parental disapproval is the #1 reason they choose not to drink. To learn more, click here.

Community Events

Connection is a vital piece of APC’s mission and focus on the elimination of addiction. Through the community of Birmingham, APC identifies needs and formulates a plan to meet them. Two major ways this can be seen is through the Annual Backpack Drive- and Pop-Up Resource Fairs.  To see how you can get involved and volunteer in these events and more, join us.

Pop Up Resource fairs play a vital role in our efforts for awareness, prevention and connection. Local resource providers partner by displaying resource tables in prominent areas in Birmingham. Our resource fairs provide those in need with support to combat Substance Use, mental illness, and grief, all while cultivating community and connection. These resource fairs aim to prevent substance use disorder and relapse through linkage between providers and those in need.

The Backpack drive is an annual event that is done as a back-to-school drive in the Birmingham City School system to help children in need have all the supplies necessary to be successful in the upcoming school year. It is with the help of donors, volunteers, and staff that we are able to impact over 250 kids with backpacks filled with necessary school supplies each year along with prevention packets for the family. 

Project Leap

A five-year SAMHSA funded project that works with individuals between the ages of 14-21 to reduce substance use disorders and their risk of contracting HIV. Project LEAP aims to reduce the rates of HIV in the Birmingham Metro Area by also working to reduce substance use disorders. Project LEAP is a collaborative project between APC, UAB Medicine, and AIDS Alabama. To learn more or ask question regarding HIV and Substance Use, contact Ashley Loftis. Visit our Project Leap page to learn more!

Family Support Group

Family Support Group is a place of education and support for those struggling with knowing how to cope well with an addicted loved one. These groups offer hope and understanding in a setting with others who are walking similar paths. They are open to anyone who has a loved one struggling with substance use and they meet weekly on either Monday or Thursday starting at 6:30pm.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, contact Carie Wimberly.

Group smiling and writing

APC Trainings

Education is one of the first lines of defense against substance use. Education breeds awareness and awareness leads to prevention which results in change. Through both resources and connection, APC has been able to provide certified trainings to the community covering topics that are connected to the issues of substance use disorder. To learn how we specifcally do this, visit APC Trainings.

Our Strategy